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ReTHINK It aims to create systems of support for all who are directly or indirectly connected to our community. We do so by offering ReTHINK Justice, ReTHINK Schooling and ReTHINK Allyship. Partnering with local schools and other community-based agencies, these programs provide case-management and personal development as participants complete individualized plans that focus on mental and physical wellness, K-12 educational and academic support, college application workshops, career development, mutual aid and direct assistance, conscious parenting educational courses, addressing toxic masculinity workshops, marriage and family therapy, financial planning services, workshops on navigating student loan debt and cancellation and more.
ReTHINK Schooling
recognizes that learning and living are not separate processes. This program is designed to promote academic and social agency in K-12 students from marginalized backgrounds. Youth participants work alongside mentors to develop individual achievement plans focused on the areas of growth most important to students and their families. Students and their mentors co-assess progress, empowering youth to shift their behavior and mindsets to reach their goals. ReTHINK Schooling is offered as an after-school program and as a community-based program
ReTHINK Allyship
is a consultancy program geared toward companies and businesses committed to anti-racism and equitable organizational practices. The program equips staff, particularly white and non-Black people of color, with the skills to identify and dismantle discriminatory practices within and outside of the workplace. ReTHINK Allyship achieves this goal through workshops examining and addressing racism, privilege, oppression, and power. Participants first develop linguistic tools to actively discuss these issues with the support of program staff. We then challenge participants to examine their own relationships to these concepts. Finally, participants use these new skills and knowledge to practice antiracism in the workshop environment and beyond.
ReTHINK Justice
aims to reduce recidivism by connecting formerly incarcerated individuals with legal, educational, and career support services. The program offers hands-on job training, mentorship, criminal record expungement, and long-term case management. At intake, each program participant develops an individual achievement plan with staff support. Participants are in control of the length and content of their plans, restoring agency to disenfranchised community members. ReTHINK Justice supports the most vulnerable formerly incarcerated people by targeting low-income Black and Brown youth, individuals with marginalized genders, queer folks, and survivors of abuse.